Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Brother's Murder

           Brent Staples grew up in a rough, industrial city to become a successful journalist. In this story called "A Brother's Murder" Staples talks about his younger brother Blake who is just twenty-two years old had been murdered. One day in February 1984 Staples received a phone call about the murder of his brother Blake.  Blake was killed by a young man that was only twenty-four years old wearing a ski mask; he was shot close range with a .44 Magnum. The young man and Blake were once inseparable friends when senseless rivalries begin, it was believed to be over a girlfriend that escalated from Posturing, to threats, to violence, then murder. Staples and Blake were ten years apart they were both raised in Chester, Pennsylvania, an angry, heavily black, heavily poor, industrial city southwest of Philadelphia in the 1960's.  Staples knew he had to get out of that city and wanted to bring his brother with him so he would go down the wrong path and eventually get killed.

            While growing up in Woonsocket there where tough times to deal with during my High School years from 1996 till 1999. Most kids would have to watch there back all the time. The rivalry between the Hispanics (Bloods) and Asians (Crips) was a big issue in high school. Usually before school started in the morning or after school ended at 245pm is when most of the trouble would happen. I was associated with both groups as a neutral person and never took sides. I had friends in the Bloods and Crips both would ask if I heard the other say anything my answer though they didn't like it was " You want to know find out yourselves". Luckily the worst that happened is just one or two kids would get jumped (a small group against one or two) no one even got killed or hospitalized that I knew of. Similar to Staples I had friends that never grew up to realize they need to get out while they can before something worst happens. Today I would going through Woonsocket I could spot one or two kids that I know hanging out at the corner selling drugs. They would also see me but respectful give a nod or peace sign which would mean Hi. Others would either move to another area within the United States and was killed or still in Rhode Island but in the Rhode Island Department of Corrections (RIDOC).

             Here I am thirty-one years old and joined the military after High School and to this day never had a fist fight.  When I was younger even though I knew a lot of the troubled kids there was never a time I need to fight. In some areas around the United States there are still gang’s worst then the gangs that were around while I was in High School. There is a show Gangland which shows different genres of gangs in the US. The show talks about the life of gang members some street gangs and some bike gang’s far worst that involve in the killing of others. But violence is not often from just gang members but all so from ordinary everyday people. Disputes over a variety of things from someone stepping on another person’s shoes to people at the wrong place and wrong time are also victims.  Often some of the younger kids join a gang or get into trouble either from a troubled up rising to scenarios like the previous blog about "Dear Dads: Save Your Sons". Much possibility could influence the troubles that some believes to be the right thing or the only thing they know how/what to do.

            I believe we should all try a play apart on someone’s life either close or distant to us and show that there is a way out. Also to know there is a positive solution and to avoid the troubles that we may be surrounded by. Help give a chance to some one that is in need of a chance.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Dear Dads: Save Your Sons

Psychologist Christopher N. Bacon in this essay "Dear Dads: Save Your Sons" talks about the  Statics from the National Fatherhood Initiative that states an estimated 24.7 million children (36.3 percent) do not live with their biological father. About 40 percent of children have not seen their father during the past year.  I fall in to the statics of the biological father's not living full time with their child; but had a male figure in my life prior to having a child. The times when I'm around my child I make the most of it. This article Bacon talks about a mother in her mid-30's that has a 15 year old son. The mother describes to Bacon the actions of her son which are alcohol, gang membership, failing grades, and violence. Since his father left four years ago she has been having trouble and lost control over him. Bacon asked the mother if there were any men in his life she had replied “no”. This example brings to mind that Bacon's research of the effects and influences by fathers not being around causes there child to act up.

            I agree with Bacon's theory of how fathers play an important factor on a child's life. Children do need a male figure in their life; both younger and older. It is tough for single mother to raise a child alone. Younger and older boys still need some type of male figure in their life either be a woman's brother, father, Uncle, or a male friend. In a case were a woman has none of these sources available there are programs. Some programs called Big Brother, Boy Scouts, and sport coaches to name a few. These programs could he bring some closure and have a positive influence on the child's life. A father that is absents in child's life bothers me a lot. Some fathers have more than one child with more than one woman. Dad's that tend to no be around have no responsibility to what they contribute and bring into this world. Not to make an excuse for the absent of dad 's but sometimes things don't work out for the best between a father and mother; this causes a split to  happen which can also play a part of a child's lashing out. The reason is simple the child may feel that it's his/her fault that the parents are not together. Back it up a little bit to were things don't work out and the father leaves; now he might have to work a lot and very hard to pay child support at the same time try and support themselves that leaves less time to be around for their child or even see them at that matter. Other Dads are either scared or don’t want the responsibility for another life. There are men out there that never had a male role model in their life so they tend to keep the trend going; some may not had a male role model in their life but has the goal to change that so there child does have a male role model in their life to look up to.
           In conclusion the impotence of not just a father but a male role model doe’s play's a big part and influence on a child's life. I do not rule out that women are not capable of raising a child; but the male does have that persona which is looked upon as strong willing.

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Flipside of The Internet

Jessica Bennett is a writer for Newsweek; Bennett wants to explore in this era of "viral videos" a dark side of the internet phenomenon. Bennett writes this essay called "The Flip Side of the Internet Fame". The essay talks about the downside of the Internet your name out there so everyone would know who you are and what you’re about. But some people they do not think about the pros and cons prior to posting on the World Wide Web.
       This essay first talk about a Canadian teenager named Ghyslain Raza that decided to record and reenact a scene from the movie "Star Wars". Raze never meant for this to get into the public view;
another student had found this video and digitized it and posted the video on the World Wide Web. This video caught everyone’s eye and made Raza famous but he did not feel the fame instead he felt public humiliation.
      A student from Lewis &Clarke University in Portland Ore was publicly accused on "Facebook" (a social network site) for sexually assaulting another student. But he was never arrested or charged; also only one side of the story was made public. I found this to be common but wondered if his version was misinterpreted and twisted to make him more of a bad guy. This was due to the one side of the allegations there could have been more important factors that were left out due to her claim as a victim.
       Many other stories like these two or worsts of public humiliation have been around since Ancient Romans. Thieves would be branded on their forehead the word "fur" which was Latin for thief for stealing and runaways received "fug" for fugitive. Today with the Internet when someone is caught in the act of doing something wrong it is easy to find and see many types of acts when you type a keyword and just one click of a button. I believe that the Internet has a good and bad side. The good side would be due to the younger crowd’s use of the internet the recent presidential election helped Influence there vote. The bad side of the Word Wide Web would be used for payback or to hurt someone by embarrassing and humiliating them for the world to see.
      The lesson to be learned would be to be cautious and think of the pros and cons of your personal and public actions. For the Technology used today could help or hurt a person and play a very important impact on there life as well as others.