Monday, February 13, 2012

The Flipside of The Internet

Jessica Bennett is a writer for Newsweek; Bennett wants to explore in this era of "viral videos" a dark side of the internet phenomenon. Bennett writes this essay called "The Flip Side of the Internet Fame". The essay talks about the downside of the Internet your name out there so everyone would know who you are and what you’re about. But some people they do not think about the pros and cons prior to posting on the World Wide Web.
       This essay first talk about a Canadian teenager named Ghyslain Raza that decided to record and reenact a scene from the movie "Star Wars". Raze never meant for this to get into the public view;
another student had found this video and digitized it and posted the video on the World Wide Web. This video caught everyone’s eye and made Raza famous but he did not feel the fame instead he felt public humiliation.
      A student from Lewis &Clarke University in Portland Ore was publicly accused on "Facebook" (a social network site) for sexually assaulting another student. But he was never arrested or charged; also only one side of the story was made public. I found this to be common but wondered if his version was misinterpreted and twisted to make him more of a bad guy. This was due to the one side of the allegations there could have been more important factors that were left out due to her claim as a victim.
       Many other stories like these two or worsts of public humiliation have been around since Ancient Romans. Thieves would be branded on their forehead the word "fur" which was Latin for thief for stealing and runaways received "fug" for fugitive. Today with the Internet when someone is caught in the act of doing something wrong it is easy to find and see many types of acts when you type a keyword and just one click of a button. I believe that the Internet has a good and bad side. The good side would be due to the younger crowd’s use of the internet the recent presidential election helped Influence there vote. The bad side of the Word Wide Web would be used for payback or to hurt someone by embarrassing and humiliating them for the world to see.
      The lesson to be learned would be to be cautious and think of the pros and cons of your personal and public actions. For the Technology used today could help or hurt a person and play a very important impact on there life as well as others.

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