Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Why the M Word Matters to Me

An article in Time Magazine by blogger and author Andrew Sullivan talks about “Why the M Word Matters to Me.” Sullivan grew up in a traditional home Catholic, conservative, and middle class. His life was relatively simple: education, work, family, and aim high in life even though his parents hadn’t gone to college.  He believed that marriage was very important more important than graduation from college, a first day of work, or even his first home. Sullivan never had the idea of what homosexuality was. Growing up he didn’t have the same feelings for girls the way his friends had.  Sullivan’s emotional bonds to other boys were one-sided; each time he felt himself falling in love, they sensed it and pushed it away. The love he had inside him was not the type of love he grew up to know; by his parents and the way of the Catholics. Sullivan believes that everyone should be equal to marriage, regardless of sexual orientation.
            Growing up in a Catholic household like Sullivan did, I can understand the expectations that he has to live up to. I was raised in the Catholic environment; I was baptized, made my first communion, and conformation. The Catholic religion is very strict with their rules. For example, homosexuality is looked down on as being a sin.
            I don’t fully agree with Sullivan about how marriage is more important than graduating from a college, or your first house. I believe those are just as important, but again everyone is entitled to his/her opinion. I do however; agree that everyone should be entitled to equal rights to marriage regardless of sexual orientation.  
            In today society even though others may not like seeing it , but homosexual people are more comfortable than ever about showing their  love for one another in public just as heterosexuals show their affection.
            Lesson to be learn is we often hide who we really are to make other happy but in the end it is the individual who is happy.

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