Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Good Grammar Gets the Girl

A senior at Michigan State University in 2005, Elissa Englund wrote a humorous article for her college newspaper called “Good Grammar Gets the Girl”. Englund had joined an online dating site just within a few weeks she had an interesting range of people contact her. Craig (not his real name) 28 years old finished college and is employed full-time, seems like a well put together guy that contacted Englund until she read his message. In his message he wrote “Hi! I love to have fun weather it at work or hang out with friends,” “I’m an optimistic because like is to short too be a pessimistic.” Englund stated that Craig seems a little “to dumb” to date.  Englund says that if you can’t spell, use grammar or express yourself through writing, you’re going to be in trouble with the ladies. She then refers to a TV show that aired in the 1990’s called save by the bell. The Two main characters, in this show, Zack which was a ladies’ man, and Screech a nerdy kid that says wrong things to women, both display the do and don’ts to get a woman’s attention . Zack always knew what to say to women for example “It’s sexy when a girl is successful and intelligent”, However, Screech would say “I like when it’s raining because I can see through your shirt.”

            I agree with Englund spelling, grammar, and a way to express yourself through writing is important. Joining a dating web site is often a good way for a person that is either busy or shy can meet someone there compatible with too date. When browsing through the web site you will come across a picture of either a beautiful girl or hot guy that will get your attention first. The next step is you read what their looking for and their interest. This step is important based on how the person presents their selves through written are a key factor to further contact them. Dating web sites don’t offer a spell check to make sure that what a person is written will be spelled correctly. Just like written a letter to a friend or even an employer you want to make sure you don’t sound like a 3rd grader. That is why it’s important to reread what you wrote and make sure the words your written are spelled correctly, used the right way, and makes sense. I found that this is a weak point in my communication skills that I need to improve. My communication skills are good verbal rather than written, therefore I find it hard to convert my thoughts to paper. Something simple as an introduction of yourself on a dating web site will either help or hurt a first impression to someone that you’re interested in. Outside of online dating a woman likes when a man approaches her with confidence, so take that and apply your confidence that you show in person and transfer it to written when on an online dating website. This will improve a person’s chance to be more appealing when someone takes interest on, taken the next step and meet in person. While growing up I watched the TV show “Save by the Bell” most young boys my age always looked up to Zack and wanted to be just like him, but just like Zack you should show the confidence on written just as in person face-to-face. 
In conclusion if you decide to try an online dating site keep these things in mind double check what you are written, make sure your spelling is correct and makes sense. Your goal is not to be a Screech but to be the Zack that always gets the girl.

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