Monday, March 19, 2012

A Risk-Free Life

Pulitzer prize-winning columnist Leonard Pitts; in this essay “A Risk-Free Life,” discuss how far people, will go and take control of nature and of chance. Pitts asks the question if parents could “tinker” with the genes of their unborn children to protect them from a disease, select their gender, and even physical traits would you do it.  Pitts mentions a woman (her name was not released) who went to a geneticist to have her eggs screened for the gene that causes Alzheimer’s.  The developing of Alzheimer’s disease in this women’s family (one of about a dozen in the world carrying a genetic flaw) starts tragically at a young age. Her sister showed symptoms at the age of 38, and her brother at the age of 35. Experts say this woman who is 30 years old and could develop this “mind-destroying affliction” by the age of 40. She desperately wanted a child, The Journal of the American Medical Association, reported that she and her husband have one, and another one is on the way. By the time this woman’s daughter turns 10 her mother will not recognize her. But due to her eggs which were screened her daughter has a 50-50 chance of suffering a similar fate.  Pitts says,” I can’t tell you that I wouldn’t have done the same thing the women did,” “At the same time, I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to being troubled by some of the moral and ethical doors that are swinging open here.”
Being a parent, I agree with Pitts that, I would have my child screened for a disease and the opportunity to “tinker” with my child’s life (to protect them from disease) would be something I would consider doing. Some people will disagree based mostly on their religion that is against Gods belief to tamper with a person’s life. But even with religion it’s in are human nature when are child is in danger we as humans look for away to help protect them, by any means necessary.
With the route of technology in today’s world it’s tough to determine what we as a human race is capable of discover or making. This topic to “tinker” change a child’s genes is also similar to the idea of cloning. Cloning began in 1958 when F.C. Steward cloned carrot plants from mature single cells placed in a nutrient culture containing hormones. Not cloning physically but the idea has been around for years. Just like the ability to change the genes of your unborn child, some people will disagree based mostly on their religion that is against Gods belief to tamper with a person’s life. 
In conclusions this day of age, the human race is always thinking, and developing new ways to help prolong are life, from creams to look younger and pills to help us feel younger. We as humans are not like the so called “Vampires” that have the ability to live forever without fear of death from diseases. We as humans are not meant to live forever!
Here are some websites which further discuss and talk about Genetics Research and Cloning.                                             

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